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Quincy font by Meir Sadan

This is the page of Quincy font. It was created by Meir Sadan. This font is free and can be used without any restrictions. It was published on on Saturday 04th of August 2012 at 11:25 PM and was placed in the "Fancy - Eroded" cattgory. Version of the Quincy font is "Version 2.00". You can download Quincy font for free by clicking download button. This font was comressed in a ZIP archive for your convenience. It contains 1 font files.

Note of the author

was drawing these letters in class. Many a times. Sometimes I would catch a phrase or two said in class, something like "Facism" or "Equation", and type it down in those letters. This is sort of a serif-type experiment, like Phank was, but this time I paid more attention to the actual terminals and hairlines and strokes and widths and bowls and crossbars and whatnot. You can judge for yourselves if I'm doing any better... I don't know why I called this one "Quincy". I don't know anyone by that name, but it sort of just welded fine with the spirit of this text - official yet very sleazy, in handwritten kind of way. Erm. Yeah I was too lazy to make low-case letters. Maybe some other time.


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