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Inprimis font by

This is the page of Inprimis font. It was created by . This font is free for personal use and can not be used for commercial purposes. It was published on on Saturday 26th of January 2019 at 09:35 PM and was placed in the "Basic - Sans serif" cattgory. Version of the Inprimis font is "Version 1.126 2016". You can download Inprimis font for free by clicking download button. This font was comressed in a ZIP archive for your convenience. It contains 2 font files.

Note of the author

| Inprimis 1.26 |
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| Bellini Studio |
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Thanks for download a free version of 'Inprimis', a brand new sans serif type family based on "old style" typography, translated in moder era. A mix of geometric forms, antique ligature and oblsolete (or forget?) gliphs, like an 'asterism' or an 'interrobangs'.

It comes in 6 styles: 3 uprights and 3 italics.

Each weight includes extended language support, ligatures and more.

� 490 gliphs each variant (2940 total)
� Standard + discretionary ligature
� Alternative style set
� Small capital
� Latin extended
� Lining + Oldstyle figure linear or tabular
� Numerator + Denominator + Subscript + Superscript

Now, the family Inprimis are in version 1.26 and completed these variant:

55 Regular
56 Italic
65 Medium
66 Medium italic
75 Bold
76 Bold italic

Work in progress:

45 ligth
46 light italic
85 black
86 black italic

Inprimis is incredibly useful on most of creative field like magazine, poster, book, composition.

The full packaging include a .OTF, .TTF and a Webfont (with demo page and CSS) version.

This is a free* version of 'Inprimis' family font.
<*for personal use - non commercial>

In this package, you have only smaller version of
55 Regular
56 Italic

� 291 gliphs each variant (582 total)
� Standard ligature
� Latin extended

If you like, share or try a complete version.

Good work at all - Bellini Studio


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Inprimis font waterfall


Inprimis font preview


Inprimis font map


Inprimis font waterfall

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