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Sucesi?n Slab font by deFharo

This is the page of Sucesi?n Slab font. It was created by deFharo. This font is free for personal use and can not be used for commercial purposes. You can contact the author of the font to determine the conditions of use. It was published on on Monday 18th of April 2022 at 11:02 PM and was placed in the "Basic - Serif" cattgory. Version of the Sucesi?n Slab font is "Version 1.476". You can download Sucesi?n Slab font for free by clicking download button. This font was comressed in a ZIP archive for your convenience. It contains 1 font files.

Note of the author

Para instalar o usar la tipograf?a "Sucesi?n Slab" debe estar de acuerdo con las condiciones de uso.
By installing or using this font (Sucesi?n Slab) you agree to the Product Usage Agreement:
Esta fuente es s?lo para uso personal, el uso comercial requiere una licencia.
This font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY and requires a license for commercial use.
La licencia comercial est? disponible para la venta:
The font commercial license is avaliable for sale:
Por favor lea las condiciones de la licencia s?lo para uso personal:
Please read "Free for personal use License | Fonts by deFharo" for more info:
Si necesita m?s informaci?n contacte con el dise?ador:
For further information, please contact designer:
Fernando Haro


Sucesi?n Slab font preview


Sucesi?n Slab font map


Sucesi?n Slab font waterfall

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