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AlphaShapes grids 2 font by Fonts & Things

This is the page of AlphaShapes grids 2 font. It was created by Fonts & Things. This font is free and can be used without any restrictions. It was published on on Monday 23rd of September 2024 at 12:56 AM and was placed in the "Fancy - Decorative" cattgory. Version of the AlphaShapes grids 2 font is "1.0 - October 2012 - freeware font". You can download AlphaShapes grids 2 font for free by clicking download button. This font was comressed in a ZIP archive for your convenience. It contains 1 font files.

Note of the author

AlphaShapes grids 2
[ version 1.0 - October 2012 ]

is a freeware truetype font from Fonts & Things. You may use this for
personal or commercial use free of charge. You may freely distribute
this font providing no fee whatsoever is charged and this text file
is included. If you use this or distribute this font and would like
special mention or a link please contact us:

Macintosh conversions are allowed according to the above provisions.

This font contains 37 characters: use keys 1 through 0, a through z and
= (shape with no character).

But most importantly, Enjoy the font :-)

for more unusual freeware and shareware truetype fonts please visit:

Fonts & Things
"the most unusual fonts online"


AlphaShapes grids 2 font preview


AlphaShapes grids 2 font map


AlphaShapes grids 2 font waterfall

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