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Goola font by Meir Sadan

This is the page of Goola font. It was created by Meir Sadan. This font is free and can be used without any restrictions. It was published on on Wednesday 25th of July 2012 at 09:26 PM and was placed in the "Fancy - Eroded" cattgory. Version of the Goola font is "Version 2.00". You can download Goola font for free by clicking download button. This font was comressed in a ZIP archive for your convenience. It contains 1 font files.

Note of the author

This ink catastrophe you see below is called the Goola typeface. This font is the hallmark of bad taste and excessive weight gaining. In spite of the heaviness of this typeface, it still has a fairly high level of chunkiness. Some sort of element that keeps it "strong". The use of a diversion of the famous "Avante-Garde" typeface as a base for this grunge font is certainly not coincidencial - this specific typeface's glyphes curve only when needed, giving the letters a sense of steadiness. I have no idea what "Goola" means. I hope it doesn't mean anything bad in some ancient african tongue though. I really like this font.


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