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Simply City font by

This is the page of Simply City font. It was created by . This font is free for personal use and can not be used for commercial purposes. It was published on on Friday 07th of March 2025 at 07:28 PM and was placed in the "Basic - Sans serif" cattgory. Version of the Simply City font is "Version 0.23 December 1, 2014". You can download Simply City font for free by clicking download button. This font was comressed in a ZIP archive for your convenience. It contains 2 font files.

Note of the author

Simply City Light + Medium

(formerly known as SimSim)

by V?t ?ond?k

En Cz Sk Pl Fr De

[ English License ]

Free for personal or non-commercial use.
In case you want to use the font for a commercial project please contact me to buy a license.

If you think something in this font doesn't feel right please contact me.

[ ?esk? licence ]

Zdarma pro osobn? a nekomer?n? u?it?.
V p??pad?, ?e chcete font pou??t pro komer?n? ??ely, je nutn? m? kontaktovat a koupit si licenci.

Pokud ve fontu objev?te n?co, co by bylo vhodn? opravit nebo doladit, tak m? pros?m kontaktujte.



0.23 2014-12-01
* fixed ascender and descender
* fixed margin: F r Ocircumflex Thorn
* fixed margins of composite glyphs
+ dot+... macron+... circumflex+... ogonek+... greenk

0.22 2014-01-11
* modified names - family and subfamily
+ delta

0.21 2013-12-26
* spacing: +50

0.20 2013-12-24
+ kerning: +?
+ alpha beta

0.19 2013-12-23
* modified: (){}[]:;
* spacing: j
+ kerning: av -50, 23 24 87 31 41 61 71 81, F+, ta
- kerning: lslash+c,e,d,o ()
* 535 kerning pairs total

0.18 2013-12-22
* redesigned: $
* modified: section
+ 495 kerning pairs total (r+ ?+ ?+ l+ ?+ ?+ lslash+ V+ W+ Z+ ?+ ?+)

0.17 2013-12-21
* redesigned: BGSZsz pound caron
+ 1sup 2sup 3sup 4sup 1/4 1/2 3/4
* ascender 1920->1950
* capital diaktritics y+50

0.16 2013-12-20
+ "#$&*'+-:;<=>?[]6^`~? etc.
* modified spacing for round characters (75)
* kerning: many pairs

0.15 2013-12-19
+ @$ 47 section
+ kerning: 67 78 ta fa
* redesigned: {|} earvw AVW
* spacing 100
* fixed acute and caron positions

0.14 2013-12-18
+ 3
+ modified: 0256789 BQ ces ?? omega cent

0.13 2013-12-17
+ 25VWZ()
* modified: ~8PQRSpz

0.12 2013-12-14
+ BEFJKLMNEXY 1689 !.:@
* modified: ox
* fixed directions

0.11 2013-08-22

0.10 2002-10-28
+ small caps



Simply City font preview


Simply City font map


Simply City font waterfall


Simply City font preview


Simply City font map


Simply City font waterfall

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