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Chaiee font by Meir Sadan

This is the page of Chaiee font. It was created by Meir Sadan. This font is free and can be used without any restrictions. It was published on on Saturday 04th of May 2013 at 04:28 AM and was placed in the "Fancy - Various" cattgory. Version of the Chaiee font is "Version 2.00". You can download Chaiee font for free by clicking download button. This font was comressed in a ZIP archive for your convenience. It contains 2 font files.

Note of the author

I drew this font in my class's weekly Philsophy class. This class is one of the only classes we have on our schedule which is dedicated to more spiritual things, other than electronic gadgets and mathematical equations. It is also one of those classes that everybody sleeps in. We have padded chairs. So I sit in a very unhealthy posture on my blue, padded chair, while the rest of the class is half-sleeping, "discussing" the matter of life and death itself, concentrating on the deep, invisible truth of life. And beauty sleep. I am alive. I made a font. I show my friends and they laugh and giggle at me once more because I have no life and I draw fonts and naked chicks (but I always censor the good parts, mom) all the time. And they went back to sleep.


Chaiee font preview


Chaiee font map


Chaiee font waterfall


Chaiee font preview


Chaiee font map


Chaiee font waterfall

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